Psycho Gamers Gaming Society

Other Psycho Gamers
Ganna: Home Brewed world of Doctor Doom
Rune: Home Brewed Wurld of Dark RPG's
Sucko of the Year
Pictures of the Psycho Gamers
Main Players

Psycho Gamers Reserve Players

These are players that were at one time regulars, but now show up periodically

Reserve Players names are color coded by HMA status. A GREEN name means the player is not regestered with the HMA.

An ORANGE name means the player IS a member of the HMPA.

And a BLUE name means the player IS a member of the HGMA.


She Hulk

Wife of Doctordoom. Has gamed with the group since 2002. She used to be a main player, but now watches our son on gaming nights. She is truely missed at the table, but sometime makes an apperance.