Psycho Gamers Gaming Society

Other Psycho Gamers
Ganna: Home Brewed world of Doctor Doom
Rune: Home Brewed Wurld of Dark RPG's
Sucko of the Year
Pictures of the Psycho Gamers
Main Players

Other Groups we have known


There was an incident involving one of the groups Game Masters who was playing a Holy Knight in another game. He made a bee line to the most powerful item in the dungeon and said that his character would kill the whole party if he had to in order to keep it. The group was furious. A call was made to expel him from the group, but in the groups bi-laws, a group founder, cannot be expelled. So a call was made to secede form the Psycho Gamers and from The GLU. An actual Declaration of Secession was created. Doom only wanted to secede because this other game master rooms with one of the most obnoxious, annoying beast on the planet and insist on having him in the group. Doom voted this was to expel the annoying gamer once and for all. Doctor Doom, Raymamon, Bekker, and Black Widow all opted to leave. Ancient Evil chose to sign on as a reserve Player.


These are other groups that we have known. Some are still in existance and others have broken up.
Brotherhood of Evil Gamers- The brotherhood lasted for about a year. It broke off from the Psycho Gamers and merged back together a year later. Two of the members had a fight and half stayed with the Psycho Gamers and the other half formed the Brotherhood. The Brotherhood was actually is own sanctioned group at one time, but they merged back to the Psychos when the two friends made up.
Reservoir Dawgs- This group is still together. It has the exact same members as the Psycho Gamers but the game is ran by DarkRPG. It is still sanctioned by the HMA.
Whitter Group of the Damned- This is a 3E group that plays with DarkRPG's roommate. If the Psychos ever had a rivel group this would be them. I can tell whenever they gamed the night after by the smell of the place. They bad mouth Hackmaster and the Psychos. They are called the group of the damned because one time Doom said "If I died and went to hell, that would be the group the devil would make me game with!"
Son of a Lich- This group is occasionaly ran by Doom when his cousin comes by. Dooms cousin used to game with the group about 5 years ago and hasn't gamed since. This group only gets together when Anchient Evil and Doom and thier cousin get together. They prefer second edition AD&D but are willing to try Hackmaster, only beacue Doom runs the games and refuses to "downgrade" systems.
Mighty Mongral Men- This was the group that gamed with DarkRPG's roommate before the Group of the Damned. They were called Mighty Mongral Men because they played a role playing game that was pieced together rules from other role playing games like the monster "The Mongral Man". We were invited many times, but the whole ordeal seemed very chaotic so we passed.
The Guild of the Gawds- We had a friend named Troy and His brother had a group. Troy would say "You guys are like a joke game, but my other group is the REAL game.". DarkRPG was actually invited to one of these other games and said that it was just a bunch of gamers arguing and rule lawyering and not enough gaming. They were munchkin to the max, handing out +13 holy avengers, have actual gawd PC's and specializations at +6/+6 at 3rd level(a specialization system Troy created himself for one of DarkRPG's first character named Jerrell Fireheart). The group broke up when the main GM got married to some gun ho Christian girl and gave up the game.

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