Group 1- The Heroes of Hobbitown
Most of
the group are descendents of a town named Hobbitown. The town was under siege by the an undead army lead by a Drako Lich (Deathweilder)
from another dimension. Yandalla (gawd of halfings) gave 3 heroes magical items to defend her town and to someday destroy
the Drako Lich. 3 halfings left to kill the drako lich and got side tracked on other adventures (actual 2E game). Hobbitown
was destroyed. 20 years later the original characters and their children raise up to take back their homeland and destroy
the Deathweilder once and for all.
This group
has adventured in Robinloft and White DoomMountain.
RPG- Plays an unsanctioned level 8 Halfling Barbarian
named Dogboy and his Cleric of Nudor sidekick Healo Mattock. Dogboy is a very powerful character boasting over 160 hit points.
Last of his family (Son of FatherChaos’s Halfling Bard that was killed by the undead forces), he aims to destroy the
drako lich responsible for his wilderness upbringing due to the death of his civilized family. Dark also plays his original
character that was charged with the original quest named Bardorin. Bardorin is a 11th
level Cleric of Urogulan Halfling Gawd of the dead. Badorin had took over a successful adventuring company in Cormyr named
“The Triad”.Weapon H, Malamay the gnome, Baylock the Minotair, and Minsc the lizardman under the companies name
destroyed the giant outbreak (G1-3).
Raymamon- Plays his unsanctioned character
Bardo Biggenger. He gained great renown as a giant killer after completing the original module (G1-3) Against the Giants.
Bardo gained the nickname “Weapon H” for his accomplishments
and now has 2 children that accompany him on his adventures. There is hardly
a Halfling alive that hasn’t heard the name of this famous giant slayer. Weapon H is a 8th level fighter.
Weapon H was 12th level at one time, but was level drained by Thad in Robinloft to 6th level. Raymamon
also plays the son of Weapon H. A 5th level Halfling fighter named Logan (sanctioned). Logan has died many times and his constitution is
far lower now than when he started. Logan has become very foolhardy during his last couple of games viewing himself as unworthy to be in his fathers shadow
and takes on extraordinarily dangerous feats to gain his fathers respect (AKA
the player wants to kill him off).
Widow- Black Widow plays the daughter of Weapon H named Justina. She is a 8th level Cleric of Uragulan. She is mentored by
Badorin and has spent most of her life looking after his mischievous brother Logan.
This character has gone threw the Robinloft and saved her brother from Thad in Robinloft. She as also adventured in White
Doom mountain and made a temple
of Uragulan
on Marlog
He sidekick is a female halfing fighter named Illiana. Illiana the daughter of
Badorin, but seldom do they ever speak (I think the players forget they are family). When BlackWidow plays Illiana, she plays
her as a pushy little hobbit. I offered to giver a +1 sleeveless flannel shirt, but she refused.
Chief- Chief plays a darkman cleric/assassin named
Ryker Tyan. Ryker is the pupil of the most dangerous assassin
in my game. His mentor is named Demiti a sort of wraith who has lived for hundreds of years. Ryker adventures with the group
for material gain and skims off the top whenever possible. In the eyes of the party he is only a cleric/thief. At least one
time Ryker has killed one of his own party members without their knowledge. He has also played a character named RedMane Better known
as Pirate Wimic, but switched him
to another party.
Bekker- Bekker has played a number of different characters with this party. Most of which have died. She had a various number
of Amazons which would be left behind in the levels department and die to a monster much to high a level for her. Her most
powerful character is one that was transferred from 2E, a 12th level gnome Cleric of Garl Glittergold named Malamay Stonecleaver. She was a member of the famous "Triad" adventuring group of Cormyr and accompanied
the party into the module (G1-3) Against the Giants. After that time she retired to a stone cave carved into pure rock outside
the city of Suzail. In recent times Malamay
has came out of retirement to aid her friends, Weapon H and Bardorin in the quest against Thad (Robinloft). There she was
level drained to 8th level. Until recently Malamay was the master of the famous artifact "Drytons Dancing Hut" until Dryton
came back to reclaim it.
Hackmaster Chief- Chief plays a 6th level Human
Pyromancer named Pios Hotfoot. Pios was one of the original characters
that were present during the reawaking of Drayton. While one of his fellow party members attempted to slay the sleeping Drayton
with poison, Pios succeeded in stealing ALL of the magical items the Archmage had waiting for him when he awoke. The party
escaped and Pios sold all of Drayton’s items to a local thieves guild. Later the thieves guild was destroyed by the
rampaging archmage. Pios accepted a job from the “Million Gold Club” of Waterdeep to retrieve a treasure from
X1- The Isle of Dread. He completed the quest and was confronted by Drayton. Pios convinced Drayton that it was a paladin,
that was also present during his awakening that forced him to attempt the killing(chief also used a shift blame coupon.).
Drayton killed the paladin and took his corpse and went away. Chief also controls one of his childhood character named Redmane a 7th level Liontair Pirate.
This character is usually called Pirate
Pirate Wimic was originally made on DarkRPG’s world and played in Temple of Elemental Evil and Dragon Mountain. In 2003 Chief had no characters of appropriate
levels to play Robinloft and Chief gain permission from DarkRPG to play the character on my game. The group The Heroes of
Hobbotown found Pirate Wimic floating on a piece of wood in the middle of the ocean. He claimed that his ship was sailing
and fell off the edge of the world and fell onto this one. Weather this tale is true or not remains to be proven. Pirate Wimic
sailed the Heroes ship around for a while before he was hired by the Plunderers to sail their ship to The Isle of Dread. Pirate
Wimic is one of the most popular characters in the game and is widely known in most ports.
Black Widow- The Widow plays a 7th level
high elf thief named Giselle Swiftblade. This character (as most of Widow’s
Characters) merely wandered into the group and stayed for the money. In the Drayton encounter she attempted to slay the archmage
by pouring type E poison upon his head before he awoke. This caused 2 demon guardians to come to his aid. The party escapade
and later were hired by the “Million Gold Club” to go to X1- Isle of Dread. Giselle fell in love and married a
Pirate Captain named Prager while on the expedition and was later killed back on the island. The party was in the process
of returning Giselle’s body to her husband for resurrection when the ship was attacked by Drayton. Since the Elf was
dead Drayton was coned by Pios and Drayton left. Giselle was resurrected and later retired with her husband. Giselle also
has a sidekick named Kyeema, an aboriginal druid from Egthorn (the
continent much like Australia, Isle of Dread was very near it.). Kyeema was killed when
she refused to agree to a gawd oath to kill a member of the party that had wronged an NPC.
Dark played a Darkman assassin named Xulin
Paledune. For some reason he is part of drow royalty, but being a half breed was forced to leave drow society. Xulin joined
this group after his mentor Lexor Fireheart,
the most
hated of all blood mages, went into hiding. He joined the group on their trip to X1- Isle of Dread and had to quit after a
drow priestess he had wronged, captured the group and had them oath to slay him on site. Xulin also had a sidekick named Malcora Fireskin. Malcora was at one time a male, but his gender was reversed
after in a wild magic zone. Malcora is a human painted mage.
Raymamon- Raymamon plays a Pirate by the name of John Raven. John was originally a member of the Heroes of Hobbitown until the time the Drayton’s
Dancing Hut was taken over by Drayton himself. Upon seeing the mage in an open widow of the hut, John Raven jumped out the
window into the open sea (the hut can walk on water). John drifted around and as luck would have it, The Sea Mane III (Pirate
Wimic’s Ship) just happened along. While with the Plunderers John Raven has acted as a back up ship navigator and his
sword has been very useful.
Hackjammer group after Distruction of Ganna 4
There are 4 groups that escaped from Ganna explosion. All were sanctioned characters (or were when the owner was a sanctioned
player). This is the listing and explination of who servived and how.
Group 1-The Ironmauls and Friends
This group
is comprised of 4 dwarves (originally 5) dwarves from the Ironmaul clan. They were originally from another GM's game and Doctordoom
adopted them into his campaign. The "and friends" came from the other PC's that the Iron mauls picked up on their adventures.
This group has adventured in Beneath the Twisted Tower and the module R2- The Investigation of Hydell. They never completed
the module because of the destruction of planet. The group was later saved by Elminster flying aboard the mythical Hackjammer
ship. He told them that many times the world had been destroyed (which it has in the years past by ill worded wishes) and
that if they Hackjammed to the next universe, then there may be another Ganna where they do not exist and all will almost
be as it was. Elminster saved the group because they were under his employ originally. He gave them a craft and wished them
RPG- Plays a sanctioned level 5/6 Dwarven Fighter Thief named Tarsils Ironmaul and his pixie fairie mage sidekick Nadolf Smithler. Tarsils is an utter rip off of Knuckles the Thief
from the Knight of the Dinner Table. He has fantastic physical stats and boosts a +13 to hit with a crossbow at 1st level.
His evil behavior is totally opposite from the alignment of the party. The rest of the group is Lawful or Neutral good. The
only reason he is tolerated is because he is a family member of most of the party.
Pigman- Plays his unsanctioned half
ogre fighter named Humungo McJarro.He was recruited by the
group in the evil town of Zhentil Keep when the group brought his brother named Mungo back to his clan. Mungo was turned into an 8 year old child (through an ill worded
wish). His other brother Grungo was killed shortly after,
trying to aid one of his party member after they attacked the Zhentarim guards of the city. He dose lots of damage with his
Giant battle axe and is specialized in it. Humungo
McJarro also has a sidekick. A pixie Fairie named Helmnut who was known for having relations with an
elven cat named Meeps in an attempt to try and
breed a Tressym. A cat with butterfly wings.
BlondeElf- Plays her sanctioned Grey
Elf fighter named Clarice Redwood. She was originally in a group of adventures known as the "Blood Runners" that was lead
by the infamous Blood mageLexor Fireheart. He later betrayed Clarice
and her sidekick Darby and sold them to into slavery
for a Ring of Hefty Spell Casting. Clarice later escaped and joined
the Ironmaul. Her goal is to build up enough power to "X Lex". Clarice had an elven war dawg that was killed by Lexor Fireheart and she replaced her dawg with an elven cat named Meeps.
Plays one of the Ironmaul Clan. A female dwarven Fighter named Moyra Ironmaul Her and Tarsils are twins and the youngest of the clan. The Ironmaul clan is lawful good and most all of them have Red beards. Black
sheep for the clan have black beards and these are usually evil. Both her brothersTarsils and Arden(who was played by Hackmaster Chief for a time) had the black
beards, but Moyra refused to believe her
brother was evil and usually turned the other cheek or a blind eye. Thier other brother Malrick was not fooled by Tarsils evil ways. Being a Lawful Good Priest of Moridin. It was his duty to aid his evil brother and
help him see the errors of his ways.
Plays a 6th level Grey Elf Mage named Orlando
Bloom He first joined the group in Nimbortan where he was attacked by Tarsils and captured by the group because they thought he was a monitor. (even thought the monitors
were standing there watching them attack him.) He was later killed by Tarsils and Ardenfor his Staff of Devistation.
Malrick Resserected Orlando but refused to resserect Arden after he was killed by Fu Man Chu. Malrick believe that if he broght
back is evil brother, all the evil done by him, would be on his head. Tarsils threatened to attack Orlandounless he brought his brother back too. It was at that moment that Malrick knew his brother was evil. Attacking in innoccent to prove
a point like this was truly evil. Tarsils had to be cleaned or if
he dies, he would remain that way.
Raymamon- Plays a 4/5 level Dwarven
Figher/Cleric named Bravery Fireaxe Braverys father was a famous
adventure named Galant Fireaxewho was a fighter cleric
of thor and wielded an enchanted hammer made by the tunder gawd himself. Galant was killed while adventuring in the TSR# 9573 The Lost Shrine of Bundushatur. He was the last man standing after a bloody
fight with the Lords of Chaos . The Lords of Chaos managed to kill the entire party exept for Atalicus Fireheart and discarded the Fireaxe hammer in an unknown loaction.
No one but the Lords of Chaos Know the location of the
hammer and Bravery quest to find the lost hammer of his clan.
Bekker- Bekker has been very busy
lately and her character has been inactive for it. He plays a level 2 human cleric Amazon named Rachel Rachel is a lot lower lever that all the other characters because Bekker just had a baby in real life and hasn't been
able to attend as often. Rachel began her adventuring career teaming up with a fighter named Richard Van Helsing (played by
Raymamon). After Richard was killed (and devoured) she continued to adventure with the group and took a liking to John Raven.
Rachel's most noticeable accomplishment was when she killed a Tyrannosaurs Rex with one arrow (23 severity critical it).During
X1: Isle of Dread Rachel was tricked byPirate Wimic to drink a
philter of lust by telling her it was a healing potion. She became pregnent and had the liontair child while Hackjamming.
It was a liontaur male.
Chrissy- Plays a 5 level female Dwarven
Figher named Xandra Steelring She adventured for quite
a while with Lexor Fireheart and made it through such
adventures as Robinloft and White Doom Mountain. She was very close friends with Clarice and Darbyand was applaud when Lexor Fireheart sold her friends to slavery. Lexor allowed her to quit the
group and threw her +5 Vorpal Axe over board into the sea, only to retrieve it later.