Psycho Gamers Gaming Society

Other Psycho Gamers
Ganna: Home Brewed world of Doctor Doom
Rune: Home Brewed Wurld of Dark RPG's
Sucko of the Year
Pictures of the Psycho Gamers
Main Players

Characters from Rune's Past

The Silver Age of the Psycho Gamers Mid 1996-1997

The Silver Age was marked by the time DarkRPG began to run games. He ran on a world named Rune. Rune underwent many changes. From a very Krynn/ Dragonlance heavy world with three moons and the Councils of Magic, to one of his own creation. Many of these (if not all) of the early Rune adventures were set in a sleepy village named Twilight Village. The following are the Heroes of the Silver age of Rune

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Name: Zorina Goldsword 27th Level Human Fighter (Beast Rider Kit)

Player: Doctor Doom

Zorina was originally based on the female warrior Taarna at the end of the animated movie "Heavy Metal". In fact the character even had white hair. The character was later changed to a blonde with a bad attitude. She kicked ass and took names. She was the first to have the specialization rules used from the new Combat and Tactics book. At 12th level she found a ring of Haste in the dungeon named Lord Soth's Keep (DL16- World of Krynn). From then on she was unstoppable killing machine. She killed the Tarrasque in 2 rounds without aid, leaving the GM flabbergasted. She was also known for shoving a sword handle in a guard's rear for calling her a prostitute. Zorina had three children, (Triplets) with Rakteem in exchange for gauntlets of ogre power. She then suffered the fate of all Runes great heroes. She drank ale in Twilight Village until the end of her days. The miniature we use for Zorina is Dark Heaven 2164: Mara of the Blade. I would often say she looked like Jeri Ryan, (remember it was 1997 and Voyager was brand new). She was clad in Red Dragon Armor made from her arch-nemesis, Laurana the Anchient Red Dragon.

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To FInd Wrightners Miniature

Name: Wrightner McCalmer Level 13/13 Fighter/Thief Kworf (Half Kinder/ Half Dwarf)

Player: Raymamon

Wrightner was originally a kinder in DarkRPG's campaign. One day he tried to disguise himself as a dwarf by gluing hair to his face and calling it a beard in order to sneak into a dwarven bar. The dwarves threw him out of the bar and he hit is head and then actually thought he was a dwarf. Well Raymamon actually played this scenario for a couple of games when DarkRPG decided to "curse" him. DarkRPG is known for his "curses" on Wrightner that are actually blessing not so well disguised. A sorceress "cursed" Wrightner to actually turn into a dwarven fighter at the same level that he was as a thief. At first this was involuntary, and later he could control it at will. Wrightner now went up as a thief and gained fighter benefits at the same time. Later, the same sorceress "cursed" Wrightner to become a Kworf. He still went by the Thief experience table and went up in both levels at the same time. Wrightner adventured with Zorina and Darkhorn and they had many adventures.

Most of the time Wightner would sit back and bow while Zorina and Darkhorn hacked and slashed. Wrightner only kicked ass once in his whole adventuring career. Raymamon fell asleep and Doctor Doom's character Zorina was unconscious. Darkhorn was in trouble and Doom asked if he could play Wrightner to help him. (We were desperate). DarkRPG allowed it and Wrightner charged into battle. He hacked and slashed and kicked major ass.

DarkRPG then tried to have Raymamon gain more interest in the character. He had the group go into a kinder town and then they all worshipped Wrightner. For 45 minutes it was just NPC's saying how great Wrightner was. All Raymamon would say was "Yup, I'm Wrightner.". The rest of the group wanted to shoot themselves.

When that didn't work he tried to make Wrightner more powerful. The same sorceress "cursed" Wrightner to have the powers of scorpion from Mortal combat. He challenged Zorina in an arena and he kicked her ass in two rounds. The group bitched until DarkRPG removed the "curse". Wrightner at one time had the Eagle 5 from Spaceballs and spelljammed. At the end of his adventuring career he bought a bar in Twilight Village and named it the Crazy Kinder. That is where most of Runes greatest heroes drink away the rest of their lives. Wrightners miniature was made for the Merps RPG. He comes in the pack of Thorin and Dain M370-Iron Hills Axemen (2).


Name: Malcolm Darkhorn Level 20/18 Fighter/Mage Minotaur

Player: Ancient Evil

Darkhorn was the third character to be played by Ancient Evil in DarkRPG's game. The first was a thief that was killed by Zorina. The second was a Cleric...that was killed by Zorina. Finally he played this minotaur. This was the first character played in either game that was not from the players handbook. Doctor Doom was angry about this and the "cow" jokes didn't stop coming.

Zorina tried over and over to have reasons to kill Darkhorn. There was even a time when Zorina was charmed and Darkhorn landed a lucky roll and knocked her unconscious. Finally the killing stopped and Darkhorn and Zorina became friends. Darkhorn was the chosen one of the cow gawd "Bacca" and wore the Golden Mask of the Cow Gawd. His favored tactic was to fireball a group and then charge in with his vorple axe. He now drinks ale in the Crazy Kinder Tavern along with all of Runes greatest heroes. The miniature used for Darkhorn was Ral Partha 11-467 Minotaur. A different, larger warhammer figure was later used, but no one can find it and I cant find a picture on line

The Dark Ages 1999-2000


Name: Dekar Fireheart Human Paladin Level 25

Player: Raymamon

Dekkar Fireheart was originally raised by another family named Trueheart. He adventured with Metallica Fireheart and one day found themselves in a dungeon getting rescued by the GM's old character from another group (see the "Guild of the Gawds" in the Other groups we have known section). His name was Jerrell Fireheart and he was an ultra powerful paladin. We were railroaded through the dungeon and it was reviled that Jerrell was actually Dekkars father that for some reason was raised by someone else. We reached the end of the dungeon and a recurring villain named Laurna the Red Dragon was there. Jerrell sacrificed himself to save us and we got away. The Gawds of Rune shinned upon Dekkar for he received all a character could ever want. A Pegasus mount that never took one point of damage and never got tired from flying. A spider monkey that that was killed and came back blessed by Oden as a 5th level fighter monkey. He received his fathers sword that was a +7 holy avenger and wielded Excalibur simultaneously. He tamed a baby brass dragon. He wanted a wife and found an 18 comeliness NPC standing outside a farm seconds after mentioning it. Dekkar courted, married, and consummated the marriage in one day game time. Dekkar was of upper upper class and after his cousin reminded him and his new wife (misty) was not, then all of a sudden she was an adopted daughter from some royal bloodline living on a dirt farm for some reason. Later, DarkRPG ran a superhero type game. Dekkar found a lot of magic items and the group took them to "The Alter of Meldning" that would meld the two magical items into one. Dekkar jumped onto the alter holding all these magic items and got all the powers of Super Man. Permanent haste, maul of the titans punch, heat beams etc. After that he was called Super Dekkar. His catch phrase was "Damn, the GM loves me".


Name: Metallica Fireheart Human Bard Level 30

Player: Doctor Doom

Metallica Fireheart was the offspring of Rakteem Fireheart (see Characters of Ganna) and Zorina Goldsword (above). She was a member of triplets, the result of this unholy union. Metallica adventured with her cousin Dekkar and later with her sister Val. None of the characters mentioned knew that they were related at the beginning. Metallica was raised by Rakteem in a flying castle on Rune. She took quickly to the magic teachings of Rakteem and as soon as possible begin her adventuring career. She began as a mage and teamed up with Dekkar Trueheart. Dekkar left much to be desired as a warrior at the low levels and Metallica fell unconscious many times to monsters and traps and decided to duel class into a bard for her own protection. Later, her and Dekkar teamed up with Val Mortigan . Metallica and Val became bitter rivals. Metallica was a rich bitch princess type and Val was a sluty biker bitch type. Metallica killed Dekkars spider monkey and during a spell jamming adventure, tied the monkeys corps onto a ballista bolt and shot it into the sun. The monkey returned as a 5th level fighter. She also tried to kill Dekkar's wife Misty but was foiled by the GM...uh, I mean unforeseen circumstances. Metallica retired and built a inn named "Fireheart Manor" a luxury hotel, brothel and theater. The most memorable encounter of Metallica was the time the group was crossing the ocean. The group was flying for hours and came across a small island. Metallica had spent a fortune on a Heavy War Horse named Hatfield. He had full plate armor, horse shoes of flying. Metallica had saved for many adventures and had finally purchased all she needed. They sat on beach and the group was attacked by a hydra. The group killed it and right after a bullette came out and attacked Hatfield. I asked what the hell a Bullette was doing out here and why didn’t it attack the Pegasus. DarkRPG claimed the Pegesus was still flying. I pointed out that the Pegesus also needed to rest. I then asked why didn't it attack any of the hirelings, any of us, or feed on the dead hydra. Also how the hell did it get to this small island. He claimed that it tunneled under the ocean. The GM then said screw it and stopped the game and it never happened.


Name: Val Mortigan Human Fighter Level 20

Player: Aaron

Vals family was killed by a band of orcs. She had this kit that was specially made by Aaron that if he saw some one killed in a similar manner, then she would go into a berserker rage and gain a bunch of bonuses. The trigger was to see someone crushed by a cart. Val adventured with a Dwarf called "Maniac". He knew the trigger and when the fight was going poorly would fake to be getting crushed by a cart. One time he had an illusionist gnome make an illusion of it happening. Later Val adventured with Dekkar and Metallica (unknown to her it was her sister and cousin). He would bribe NPC's with sex and got pregnant with a half elf fighter she barley knew. She abandoned the child and later married a mage named Cyclic. She had a sword named "Riot Girl" that was melded with a Wand of Wonder and would do unpredictable things. Val was killed by Metallica's evil copy from another dimension. Val had killed Metallica and Dekkar had raised her. Val went to stab Metallica again, but she had 5 poison needle rings with type e poison and hit her. Val died and Metallica broke Riot Girl. It exploded and Metallica's copy was killed.