Psycho Gamers Gaming Society

Other Psycho Gamers
Ganna: Home Brewed world of Doctor Doom
Rune: Home Brewed Wurld of Dark RPG's
Sucko of the Year
Pictures of the Psycho Gamers
Main Players

Psycho Gamers from the Past

A ROLL down Memory lane- These are players that for some reason or another don't play with the group any more. The rule is if you have gamed with the group more that 6 times, you can get on this list.


Father Chaos

The first recorded instance of father chaos the group was on December 27, 1997. He gamed with the group for many years and was known for playing weird, off the wall characters as well as making up outlandish rules and stories, later to be disproven and he would never admit to even making the comments. He became very flaky years later and was only invited because he was Darkrpg’s roommate. When he did show, she just talked to his girlfriend on the phone and flipped us off when we would tell him to get off the phone. He was kicked out in 2009 in a vote that DarkRPG was not invited to.


Vegan Man

Gamed with the group on and off for several years. One year just disappeared and reappeared 3 years later, broke and divorced. Gamed with the group for a few more years and became annoying when dating and bringing his phone calls to the game, surfing the net while gaming and 99% of the time had no idea what was happening during the game. He moved away so he doesn’t game with us anymore.


Hackmaster Chief

Started gaming with the group when he was only 8. Later in his high school years played with the group consistently. Soon, get got many great looking girlfriends and brought one to the table (Devil Girl). It came apparent that we would lose him and the time finally came when he left. I few years later he found himself unable to drive and gamed with the group again for a short while before he was able to drive again and he didn’t come back.



One of the original players of the group. Raymamaon played for many years and founded it hard to game after his second kid was born.


Wife of Raymamon, and former girlfriend of DarkRPG. Played with the group for many years as wife and girlfriend. Stopped gaming after having kids.


Blond Elf-

On again off again girlfriend of DarkRPG. Later she married Pigman and he joined the group. Now, she is marrying again and it looks like she aint coming back. She liked to play Blond Elves.



Cousin of Doctor Doom and Ancient Evil. Gamed with the group in its infancy. Used to play with his cousins before the group was even formed. Now has wife and kids and cant game no more.


Devil Girl -

Devil Girl is hands down the hottest girl that came to the table. She was the girl friend Hackmaster Chief. She liked to play thieves.



Travix gamed with the Psycho Gamers for about a year. Although he never passed the requirements to become an Official Psycho Gamer, I list him here because he tried like hell to become one. He gamed with the group when DarkRPG lived in Whitter and he never played a character more than 6 times in a row. He was known for chaotic behavior and short lived characters. He moved to Oregon and is welcome to the table when ever he is in the area.


Troy (AKA Horn Dog)-

Troy gamed with the group in its infancy. Had an older brother who gamed and he would tell us our group was just a warm up group. His brothers group (unnamed and now broken up due to the marriage of his brother to a religious zealot) was his main group and had a million and a half homebrewed rules. DarkRPG played with them on several occasions and said it was just a bunch of back and forth rule lawyering.

Troy was also the one to invite DarkRPG to his first game before the Psycho's were formed. He played mainly his high school friends when he couldn't game with his brothers group. The group has recently been dubbed by DarkRPG as the Guild of Gawds. This was due to some of the players in the group were munchkin to the max, handing out +13 holy avengers, have actual gawd PC's and specializations at +6/+6 at 3rd level(a specialization system Troy created himself for one of DarkRPG's first character). Quite a few people from that grouped played with the Psycho's when that group fell apart.

Troy dosn't game anymore and spends his time "getting some". His most memorable character was a half orc assassin named Shenee Norseall.


Aaron (AKA Anduin the Mud mage)-

Aaron was a bully that picked on DarkRPG in junior high and later they became friends through gaming and video games. At the time he had long blond hair and smoked like a circus monkey. For about 2 years after high school Aaron gamed with the group. He was known for sleeping 10 hours a day and video gaming all night. One time he bosted that the slept for 24 hours straight, after a game of basket ball. Aaron always knew that he would give up the game. He would always as if I (Doctordoom) would game in my 30s. When I said yes, he would then ask about in my 40s. I finally told him I would probably game in the old folks home in the year 2048 on my 75th birthday. The day finally came when we knew we had lost him. DarkRPG and I went over and he said he was tired at 10pm. As we packed up we began to talk about politics. Aaron jumped up and started talking a mile a minute about Bill Clinton. When we said Dude, you look awake now, lets game! he claimed he was tired again. Once again DarkRPG and I spoke about Clinton and Aaron again began to talk, wide awake. DarkRPG and I looked at each other and knew that we had lost him. Soon after he would show up to the games and just play on DarkRPGs computer. He played on the multi user dungeon (MUD) on line all the time and his character was called Anduin. In the AD&D game we just said the Anduin the mud mage killed all his characters. Aaron joined the military and is currently in Irac. We pray that he comes home safely.

UPDATE: He is currently back in California and stole my Auqa Teen Hunger Force Volume 1 DVD.


Reese AKA Sleep Woman-

Reese gamed primarily with the Psycho Gamers in 1998-1999 during the time she was dating Father Chaos. He earned he nick name Sleep Woman due to the fact that she would fall asleep within five minutes of the game starting. She now lives in Oregon. Her most memorable character was a barbarian female named Pika that sneezed a lightning bolt (Pika-Ochu get it......Pokimon.......Hey, it wasn't my game.)



Brian was the boss of Father Chaos in about 1998. He worked at a computer store and found out that Father Chaos gamed. Well about game 6 the group made the requirements to join the group and he happened upon the groups knighting ceremony. He looked in horror and never came back again, sticking me with the bill of a first edition DMG I got off ebay for him, bastard.


Chrissy -

Cute Asian girl that the whole group was in love with. She gamed with the Psycho Gamers and even joined the HMA for a time all in hopes that we would adopted her fairly unpopular boyfriend within our ranks. They broke up and she stopped gaming. Her first game she attacked Doctordooms 4th level paladin and almost kicked his ass with a 1st level chick. She played up to 5th level with her Female dwarf named Xandra on DoctorDooms game.


Pig Man-

Ex-Husband of Blonde Elf.