Some may believe that this
is going a bit too far, but I thought I’d play along.
The Psycho Babies are a sub
group of the Psycho Gamers. A “Cub Scout” type group for the babies of the Psycho Gamers. Since the babies cannot
game themselves to become official they must complete the following requirements.
1) Have a mother or father
who is an Official Psycho Gamer and own one Plush Die.
2) Roll the states for a
character for each official Psycho Gamer parent. Each Parent MUST play the character for at least one full game to the
best of their ability without trying to kill themselves off. Baby only need roll the beginning states. 3d6 Straight. No rerolls
or changing them with BP’s .Only one set may be rolled.
3) Baby must color 3 pages
from the Hackmaster Coloring book. Marker, Finger Paint or Crayons are expectable. The page must be “Mostly Colored”
and the group will vote on its completion.
4) The baby must watch 5
for the following: